Industrial Differential Pressure Sensors | Sino-Inst

Industrial Differential Pressure Sensors

Differential Pressure Sensor is a sensor used to measure the difference between two pressures. In industry, it can be used to measure differential pressure, flow, liquid level, density, etc. Sino-Inst supplies and manufactures diffused silicon, capacitive, and single crystal silicon differential pressure sensors.

Sino-Inst differential pressure sensors are widely used in industrial process control, flow measurement, medical instruments, aerodynamic measurement, hydraulic and pneumatic equipment, and other fields.

Featured Differential Pressure Sensors

What is differential pressure?

Differential pressure is the pressure difference (or pressure difference). The difference between two pressure values ​​p1 and p2 is called differential pressure Δp = p1 – p2.

Types of differential pressure sensors

We can use different measurement principles to detect differential pressure. Commonly used in industry are:

  • Ceramic differential pressure sensor;
  • Piezo-resistive differential pressure sensor;
  • Capacitive differential pressure sensor;
  • Single crystal silicon differential pressure sensor;

What does a differential pressure sensor do?

Differential pressure sensors are common sensor devices in industrial automation control. Parameters such as flow, liquid level, and density can be detected and controlled by measuring the pressure difference between two points in the medium.

Flow measurement of differential pressure transmitters in industrial fluid pipelines is one of its most important applications. By measuring the pressure difference in the pipeline. Combined with the density and flow rate of the fluid. The flow of the fluid can be accurately calculated.

In the chemical, water treatment, petroleum and other industries, liquid level monitoring and control are crucial links. The differential pressure transmitter can accurately monitor and control the liquid level by measuring the static pressure inside the container or pipeline and the pressure difference between the liquid surface.

In the environmental protection, mining, medical and other industries, differential pressure transmitters are also used for gas concentration detection. By measuring the pressure difference between two points of the gas, the concentration information of the gas can be indirectly obtained.

In air handling systems and hydraulic systems, filter blockage can lead to equipment performance degradation or even failure. The differential pressure transmitter can detect the condition of the filter in real time by monitoring the pressure difference on both sides of the filter.

The control of the gas combustion system requires monitoring the pressure changes in the gas pipeline. The differential pressure transmitter can accurately measure the pressure difference between the combustion chamber port and the exhaust port of the gas. Help adjust the gas supply to achieve combustion efficiency optimization and energy saving and emission reduction.

In the fields of chemical production, crude oil exploration, etc., liquid density is an important parameter. The differential pressure transmitter is used to measure the pressure difference of the liquid at different pressures, combined with temperature compensation, the density of the liquid can be accurately calculated.

In industrial automation systems, pressure control and safety monitoring are essential links. The differential pressure transmitter can monitor the pressure changes inside the pipeline or container in real time. Feedback to the control system in time to ensure that the equipment operates within a safe range and prevent accidents.

DP Transmitters for Filter Differential Pressure Monitoring

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Differential pressure sensors are a very important type of measuring instrument in the industrial field. In addition to differential pressure measurement, they can also be configured for flow, liquid level, density and other measurements. For example, with venturi tubes, orifice plates, etc., they can be used for flow measurement.

Sino-Inst produces and supplies various types of differential pressure sensors and differential pressure transmitters. Meet the differential pressure measurement needs of users in different industries. If you need to purchase or have related technical questions, please contact our sales engineer!

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